Binh Duong wood exports top 4.2 billion USD

Binh Duong province, Vietnam’s leading wood processing hub, achieved over 4.2 billion USD in wood product exports in the first eight months of this year, and local wood industry firms report a surge in orders, promising a busy production time ahead, boosting both output and exports.

The Binh Duong Furniture Association said the US remains the largest market, with growth exceeding 20% over initial projections.

In August alone, the province’s wood exports reached 628 million USD, a 25% increase from July. This growth reflects recovering global demand and the improved quality of Vietnamese products.

Companies are adapting to new market requirements by investing in green production and clean supply chains.

The association said it has been focusing not only on quantity but also on quality, ensuring its products meet stringent importers' standards.

To maintain this momentum, the province’s wood firms are investing in technology, marketing, and research to better meet international consumers' requirements./.