by Customsnews 28/06/2024, 02:00

Bright oppotunity for export to Asia - Africa markets

The Asia-Africa region is always an important market for Vietnam. These are also two markets considered suitable for Vietnamese goods, including the Red River Delta to expand their market share in the near future.

Many of Vietnam's strong agricultural products have affirmed their brands in the Asia-Africa market

Many of Vietnam's strong agricultural products have affirmed their brands in the Asia-Africa market

According to the Asia-Africa Market Department, import-export activities with the Asia-Africa region are increasingly showing diversification. Besides traditional markets such as ASEAN, Korea, Japan, China... new markets, niche markets such as Africa, the Middle East... are also promoted and well exploited. good waterfall.

Many of Vietnam's key products are also products that Asian and African markets have high demand for. For example, in 2023, Vietnam's rice exports to the Asia-Africa region will reach more than 7.2 million tons with an export turnover of more than USD 4 billion. In the first 4 months of the year alone, Vietnam's rice exports to this region continued to record growth, reaching USD 1.8 billion, a sharp increase of 34%. Vietnam's largest rice import partners include the Philippines, Indonesia, China, Ghana, and Ivory Coast. Notably, the Philippines is still Vietnam's largest rice import market, accounting for 46.4% of the total volume and 45.5% of the country's total rice export turnover.

As for lychee and longan fruit - these are two strong export fruits of the Red River Delta region. According to data from the General Department of Customs, in 2023, Vietnam's longan export turnover to the region will reach more than USD 14 million, an increase of nearly 2.5 times compared to 2022. China, Australia, Thailand, Japan are the markets that consume the most Vietnamese longans. Regarding lychees, China is still Vietnam's largest lychee consuming market. In 2023, more than 100 thousand tons of lychee will be exported to China, Japan, Korea, Australia, Malaysia; UAE, Singapore, Middle East, Thailand, Hong Kong (China)... are also potential lychee consumption markets of Vietnam.

Regarding seafood, according to the Asia-Africa Market Department, in the first 4 months of the year alone, Vietnam's seafood exports to the Asia-Africa region reached USD 1.5 billion. China and Japan are Vietnam's largest import markets for seafood products. In ASEAN, countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore... have great demand for pangasius, basa fish, cephalopod molluscs, shrimp, and crabs. Africa and West Asia such as Egypt, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UAE... are considered markets with much room for Vietnamese seafood.

Besides, the Asia-Africa region is also the leading import market for Vietnam's strong industrial processing products such as: computer components; Phones of all types and accessories; textiles, garments, and footwear of all kinds; wood and wood products..

However, according to the Asia-Africa Market Department, many key Vietnamese products still have a lot of potential for market development. For example, for vegetables and fruits, currently, 60% of Vietnamese vegetable products are exported to China while the market share of Vietnam's vegetables and fruits in other markets is still small and modest, so it is necessary to push Strongly exploit new markets.

To promote exports to potential markets, there is still much room in the region such as the Middle East, West Asia, Africa, some countries in the ASEAN region such as Indonesia, Singapore... localities need to continue to promote strongly build unique brands for strong products. In addition, localities develop a list of enterprises producing and trading agricultural products and fruits in the area that are capable of exporting and send it to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to facilitate connection with importers.

For the traditional Chinese market, according to the Asia-Africa Market Department, localities research the possibility of coordinating with ministries, related agencies, associations and reputable manufacturing and business enterprises of the province. Organize annual trade promotion activities in large potential markets that still have a lot of room for strong products of the province in China such as: Beijing, Hebei, Hunan, Shandong, Tu Cross….

At the same time, research the possibility of cooperation with foreign businesses such as China, Japan, Korea, Australia, ASEAN... in product packaging to meet diverse needs in each locality of the country when the need for product design is always the top concern of consumers in these markets in addition to product quality;

In addition, businesses need to continue to invest in converting or attracting investment in deep processing in the context of the increasing trend of using deeply processed products in the world and the Asia-Africa market region, on the one hand improving export value to catch up with market trends.

In addition, localities with growing areas and businesses are also recommended to closely monitor the customs clearance situation at border gates to have plans to regulate the number of trucks entering border areas, avoiding traffic congestion. goods affect the quality of goods and cause losses to businesses.