by NGOC ANH 09/07/2024, 15:00

Green logistics is inevitable

Building a green and resilient logistics sector is important and an inevitable trend, according to Mr. Le Duy Hiep, Chairman of the Vietnam Logistics Business Association (VLA).

The workshop "Green and Resilient Logistics" and reveiling of FIATA WORLD CONGRESS 2025 are hosted by VLA and held by Business Forum Magazine.

Mr. Le Duy Hiep said VLA has successfully earned the right to host the FIATA WORLD CONGRESS in 2025. This is the biggest event in the global logistics sector, attracting thousands of companies, specialists, and industry executives from across the globe.

The smooth running of this event will present a great chance to improve the reputation and standing of Vietnam's logistics sector globally, as well as create numerous opportunities for local businesses.

“The FIATA WORLD CONGRESS 2025's topic, "Green and Resilient Logistics," reflects our vision and dedication to creating an ecologically conscious, robust logistics sector that can quickly adjust to shifts in the global market”, stated Mr. Hiep, adding that this is not only an urgent requirement in the current context but also an inevitable trend for the long-term development of the logistics industry.

Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh, Vice President of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI)

Mr. Hiep claimed that the "Green and Resilient Logistics" workshop will provide us with a forum to share, debate, and exchange ideas on how to create green logistics that can quickly adjust to the peculiar shifts in the modern global economy and culture”.

"FIATA WORLD CONGRESS 2025 extends a greeting to all of you through today's event. In order to make this significant event well known and draw in the local and global business community, we look forward to your collaboration and assistance," Mr. Hiep stated.

In fact, sustainable development and green growth are current worldwide trends as well as unavoidable, irrevocable requirements. The National Green Growth Strategy for 2021–2030, as well as the Vision towards 2050, also aimed to promote economic restructuring through the use of innovative growth models, environmental sustainability, and social equality.

Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh, Vice President of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), said in order to implement the National Green Growth Strategy, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 882/QD-TTg approving the National Action Plan on Green Growth for the 2021-2030 period, in which logistics services are one of the 18 key topics of this plan.

Mr. Le Duy Hiep, Chairman of the Vietnam Logistics Business Association (VLA).

"Green design, green production, green operation, green procurement, green logistics, waste management, etc. are closely related to green supply chain management. Businesses will be able to increase their production capacity and create a green ecosystem around themselves when those links are all "green”. This will give them a competitive edge and increase their capacity to adjust, withstand, and recover from market shocks," said Mr. Vinh.

Greening has become a need for enterprises in the logistics sector and is no longer just a trendy approach. An early transition to green energy and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is part of the global logistics strategy of many significant companies, including shipping lines, seaports,...

"Creating a green supply chain is now a need, not a choice. It is no longer something to be done in the future. Along with being a necessary adjustment, it is also related to Vietnam's commitment at COP 26 to reduce net emissions to 0% (net zero)," stated Mr. Hiep.